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Hi, I am Melvin Vincent. I've started blogging recently and eventually turned into a part-time blogger. I am now 25 years old and completed M.Tech in Machine Design.  

I am an owner of this site and I created this site for sharing interesting knowledge and information in various categories like SEO, software, apps, tech, games, movies, business, sport, health & current affairs which may help readers to update their general knowledge.I am not a professional blogger but I love to write and share my ideas and views to other people so that it can be benefited so this motivated me to create this platform.

I love to help freshers who want to start blogging or youtube or those who don't have knowledge in a particular field, with my tips and tricks. Because No One helped me when I started this and I don't want others to struggle likes me.

The reason I think I am different from others is that I am not a greedy and selfish person. I like to help others without expecting anything in return to me. Let us Grow Together.

In this competitive world, people are greedy to make money. They try to make benefit out of everyone and anything. Because of this, there is plenty of competition on this platforms like youtube, website, blogging etc. Sometimes they don't mind the quality of their content because of greedy mind of making money. So this is the reason I decided to make something good which can help others. 

I am looking for your support so that I can share more posts with you. If you found any post which updates your knowledge and information, you can freely share your opinion and comments. I am also on various social media platform like YouTube, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter etc. So please follow us. Don't forget to subscribe my YouTube channel. If you have any doubts or requests you can contact me.


Name: Melvin Vincent
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Education: Graduation in M.Tech Machine Design
Mobile no : +919633324324
Email Id:

Life motto: Biggest satisfaction in my life is when I sleep at the night thinking about people I helped today and this gives me great relief.

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